ECLIPSE™ Rankings

ECLIPSE™ decentralized ranking is powered in partnership with the Useless DAO. The All For One™ app does not directly maintain ECLIPSE™ listings.

Are you a team member of a project or just a dedicated community member? Do you want to see your project succeed and grant it exposure to tens of thousands of unique users? Anyone can list their favorite project on ECLIPSE™ (through our partnership with the Useless DAO) and have their project featured prominently in All For One™.

Benefits of Listing

  • More Exposure: Your project will be visible on the front page of the App and gain exposure to tens of thousands unique users automatically.

  • High Profile AMA: An AMA with David Wyly, Decentra CEO, and a member of the Blockchain and Digital Innovation Task Force for the state of Utah.

  • Additional Marketing: Free marketing and shout-outs to the engaging All For One™ and our partners, including the Useless DAO Community (30k+ followers across social media platforms).

How To List A Project

To list a project, the following link will take you to Useless DAO's secure ECLIPSE™ dApp where you can connect your wallet (to pay the listing fee) and insert the contract of the token (project) you want to list. Please reach out to their Discord for live support.

Official ECLIPSE™ Listing dApp:

Note: If you want to list a Harmony or Ethereum project, simply use the MetaMask extension with the Harmony or Ethereum network selected, and go to the dApp. It will then automatically switch to the correct interface for the tokens network.

After Listing

Once you’ve listed, the Useless DAO's solidity and security experts will start to vet the project and confirm that it meets their security standard criteria. After being confirmed, the project will automatically appear in the App, and will immediately benefit from the exposure.

Last updated